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We’re hosting the Open Confidential Computing Conference 2021!

A man, green lights in the background

Felix Schuster

Confidential Computing (CC) is a very exiting up-and-coming security technology, named one of the Top 10 Digital Transformation Trends for 2021 by Forbes Magazine!

In a nutshell, Confidential Computing enables the always encrypted and verifiable processing of data on potentially untrusted computer systems --- could be your own computer or a machine in the cloud for more information read our blog post "Why do we need Confidential Computing?"

While this addresses many security and privacy problems and enables exciting new data-driven business models, only a few people know how to use Confidential Computing and even fewer have applied it in practice.

We at Edgeless Systems believe in spreading the word about this thrilling technology and are proud to introduce the first Open Confidential Computing Conference --- OC3!

OC3's focus lies on open-source software. Only with a solid open-source foundation, Confidential Computing will strive. Let's build it together!

Therefore, we invite you to join us on March 11th, 2021 between 4pm and 8pm (CET) online from the comfort of your home. OC3 is completely free of charge, but the tickets are limited so the sooner you register, the better! 😊

Great topics will include introductions to various CC-related open-source projects, relevant case studies and problems that are holding Confidential Computing back and require a solution. There will be exciting talks, video speed networking and roundtables.

Among others, Mona Vij, Principal Engineer at Intel Labs will give insights about the open-source community project Graphene, a practical library OS for unmodified applications on SGX. Our Co-Founder and CEO Felix Schuster will introduce EGo, an open-source project that enables the development of modern “confidential microservices” and Moritz Eckert, Security Engineer at Edgeless Systems will talk about the service mesh Marblerun, which helps to distribute and scale these microservices on Kubernetes.

Be curious for many more inspiring speakers — the timetable will be announced shortly.

We are looking forward to shaping the future of Confidential Computing with you. See you at OC3!

Register now!

Author: Felix Schuster

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