OC3 registrations are now open! Join the premier event for confidential computing online or in Berlin on March 27.

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Get the latest news, press releases and media information from Edgeless Systems. For press inquiries and additional information, please reach out via contact@edgeless.systems.

Press releases

STACKIT expands its sovereign cloud offering with innovative confidential-computing solutions

In collaboration with Edgeless Systems, STACKIT launches Confidential VMs and Confidential Kubernetes.

Mar 14, 2024

Edgeless Systems Raises €5m to Advance Confidential Computing

Confidential computing, a C-level priority for companies like Google, Intel, and Microsoft, is driven by Edgeless Systems to revolutionize cloud security with encryption of data in use.

Mar 7, 2023


Edgeless Systems Releases First Runtime-Encrypted Kubernetes as Open Source

The world’s most secure solution for Kubernetes gets open source release, available for everyone on GitHub.

Sep 13, 2022

Edgeless Systems in the media

Business Insider logo

Jun 7, 2023 l Media coverage

These five cybersecurity startups could become really big, says one investor

VentureBeat logo

Mar 15, 2023 l Media coverage

Forget the hybrid cloud; it’s time for the confidential cloud

Thenewstack logo

Mar 2, 2022 l Media coverage

Edgeless Systems Brings Confidential Computing to Kubernetes

Press Kit

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About Edgeless Systems

Edgeless Systems is a cybersecurity startup based in Germany. Our technology elevates the security of your applications and workflows to unprecedented levels, enabling new and exciting forms of trustworthy data processing.

Confidential computing is a groundbreaking security paradigm that enables the always encrypted and verifiable processing of sensitive data at scale. With Edgeless Systems, your data and code are always protected—whether at rest or in use.

Our company is built on the principles of open source, using a community-driven approach to deliver confidential computing technology that is easy to use, scale, and integrate.

Edgeless Systems is a member of the Confidential Computing Consortium including Microsoft, Google, Red Hat, Intel, and Huawei.